0850 service from Gothlan to Elustour Primordial

This service is a GCR Mainline Premier Express service. This service will have 4 coaches. Please note: This train has no guard but this service has an onboard buffet service by maimus14438. This service may not be updated accurately and it may be displaying the wrong information!
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Some information:

Departure Time Station Platform Realtime arrival Realtime depart Notes
0850 Gothlan 1 0846 0850 Buffet service isn't hosted here. Departed.
0855 Minstow low 1 0852 0855 Buffet servcice starts here. Departed.
0859 Dovey Junction 1 0858 0859
0902a Elustour Primordial 6B 0902 - Terminates here
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