1930 service from Giles Mount to Gothlan via Dovey Branch

This service is a GCR Mainline Service. This service will have 4 coaches. Please note: This train has no toilet or guard. This service may not be updated accurately and it may be displaying the wrong information!
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Some information:

Departure Time Station Platform Realtime arrival Realtime depart Notes
1930 Giles Mount 6 1929 1932 This platform may have another service on it. Departed.
1933 Dovey Junction 3 1934 1935 Departed.
1936 Marstem Firth 1 1936 1937 Departed.
1939 Dovey South 1938 1939 Departed
1942 Dovey Junction 2 1941 1942 Set down only. Do not board unless its an emergency. Departed.
1946 Minstow low 2 1943 1946 Departed.
1950 Gothlan 1 1947 1950 Arrived and trminated.
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