0840 service from Minstow low to Dovey Junction via Dovey Branch

This service is a Freight service. This service will be hauling 455 tonnes. Please note: This train is not for public use. This service may not be updated accurately and it may be displaying the wrong information!
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Some information:

Departure Time Station Platform Realtime arrival Realtime depart Notes
0840 Minstow low 2 0838 0840 Reports of uneven surface after minstow, go 5mph
pass 0846 Gothlan 2 pass 0844 No reports of uneven surface
pass 0848 Lanfield East 2 pass 0845 No reports of uneven surface
0854 Giles Mount 6 0848 0851 First sidings need redoing
pass 0857 Dovey Junction 3 pass 0855 No reports of uneven surface
pass 0900 Marstem Firth 1 pass 0857 No reports of uneven surface
pass 0904 Dovey south 1 pass 0859 Reports of uneven tracks on and after pedrestian crossing- can't do pedrestian crossing
0910 Dovey Junction 2 0903 0910 Track relaying stops here.
---- Permissions from signaller ---- ---- ---- Permissions from the signaller.
0915 Minstow Freight Sidings 3 0910 ---- Permissions from the signaller.
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