1805 service from Minstow low freight sidings 6 to Dovey Junction via Dovey Branch

This service is a Freight service. This service will be hauling 50 tonnes and redoing crossings. Please note: This train is not for public use. This service may not be updated accurately and it may be displaying the wrong information!
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Some information:

Departure Time Station Platform Realtime arrival Realtime depart Notes
1805 Minstow low freight sidings 6 1750 1809 Load the level crossing parts
1820 Gothlan manual level crossing 2 1814 1816 Fix the level crossing barriers
1835 Dovey South Automatic level crossing 1 1832 1835 Fix the level crossing barriers
1845 Dovey Junction 6 1837 1845
---- Permissions from signaller ---- ---- ---- Permissions from the signaller
---- Minstow freight sidings 3 E.T.A:1845 ---- Permission from signaller to proceed to Minstow Freight Sidings 3
---- Marstem Firth Down 1 E.T.A:0000 ---- Permission from signaller to proceed to Marstem Firth Down
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